Unsecured Business Loans
Secured Business Loans
What is the difference between Secured Business Loans And Unsecured business Loans is a common question many business owners ask. In our take of this answer we will explain our take on that answer by highlighting The Good, The Bad and The risk. In addition you will learn about Lend On Capital's Take on unsecured business loans
There are many business funding structures, different names, different rates, and different terms. But all business loans have one thing in common- They are either “secured-Loans” or “Unsecured-Loans.” This split is what determines the cost of funds, the time it will take before you receive the funds, and the risk involved in acquiring a business loan. First, let’s understand the difference between the two loan structures.
- Unsecured debt has no collateral backing.
- Lenders issue funds in an unsecured loan based solely on the borrower’s credit score, payment history, and his ability to afford the payments.
- Secured debts are those for which the borrower puts up some assets (usually real-estate) as collateral for the loan.
- Secured loans are significantly less risky than unsecured loans for the lender.
- Unsecured loans usually stretch up to 24 months, where secured loans may stretch over ten, fifteen, and even twenty years.
Next Day Funding
Many times along your professional career, an opportunity comes along, and if you don’t have the funds to execute on it.
Traditional secured loans can take anywhere between 45-90 days before you will have access to the funds and require a large amount of paperwork and attention.
Lend On Capital is removing the need for a property appraisal, full credit check, a full review of 3 years of tax returns (Yes! in most cases, you must have a minimum of 3 years in business), and much, much more.
Focusing on your current financial state, a skilled underwriting team in combination with data science, we can provide you an offer as fast as one (!) business day. That means that within 2-3 days, the funds will already be in your account ready to use.
Apply for a funding with Lend On capital by clicking the button and complete out online application.
Unsecured Business Loans are secured to the business owner
We found that the best way to achieve that goal is by focusing on your current financial state and less on your personal credit score. Yet, if you happen to have a good credit score and an excellent financial state, you are likely to be rewarded by qualifying for one of our Prime Funding Programs and have access to rates below the industry standard and flexible repayment structures that are tailored for your business.
Small Business loans Early Payoff Benefits
Secured business loans, in most cases, include Prepayment penalties that make the loan less attractive then it looked initially.
Most of Lend On Capital’s programs include a prepayment discount. With specific plans, you may even save upward of 30%(!) of your interest. Also, Our Business Line Of Credit is tailored for business owners that are looking for a long time solution for short term expenses, essentially functioning as a safety net.
We Are All About Relationships
In Lend On Capital, we believe that excellent customer service pays-off. And we took unique steps to ensure that your lending experience is as simple and easy as possible.
- From the first time talking to Lend On Capital, one of our professional funding agents will be by your side and guide you throughout the entire process.
- The same person that opens your file is the person that will take your file into underwriting, assuring a consistent streamline of information without wasting your time on re-explaining your situation or jumping between different departments.
- Easy online application that allows you to start the process from anywhere and at any time. All you need is a smartphone/computer and 3 minutes of your time.
- Minimal paperwork. Most of our programs require only your three most recent business bank statements.
- Automatic updates via SMS and Email.
Be Loyal To Yourself
Since we are in the business of risk evaluation, once you paid-off successfully one of our funding programs, you will have access to new loans at a new lower rate, longer terms, better repayment structures.
The best part is that due to our wide range of funding options, we are able to be your favorite choice even as your business develops and grow.
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